Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Candy bars, cartoons, toys...

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Born in Iran, Safa is a local bass player who spent the last 7 years playing and touring with Rupa and the April Fishes.  He now leads his own band, The Glasses.  When Safa was 5, shortly after the revolution, his family had to escape on foot, crossing the mountains into Turkey and eventually arriving in the U.S. His letter for this project was composed to himself, as if he could send the letter back in time, to when he first arrived here.

Dear Safa, 
I’m you, in 32 years. 
You are about to leave home for America. 
I know all the things you’re excited about…..

Candy bars, cartoons, toys,
Freedom, to a little boy.

But there will be challenges as well. Everyone your age wants to fit in. 
Being a kid from another country, a foreign culture, makes it that much harder. 
You will want to hide that you’re Iranian, so you can fit in with the other kids.
But my advice to you is
Home is not a place.
Home is not a place.
You will learn this
As you travel across the world.
You try so hard to hide
So you can fit in.
Be and Iranian
You still be
An American too.
Home is not a place
Home is not a place.

— music & lyrics by Darren Johnston

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